Native American Indian Owned
Native American Indian Owned
Ground Up New Build of 4,000 sqft Wood Framed Building Including:
-Site-Built Masonry Fireplace
-Galvanized Railings
-Cleaning Stations
-Meat Rail System
-Wood Burning Stove
Flood Damage Repairs at Isle Du Bois Including:
-New Playground at Isle Du Bois
-Pour in Place Safety Play Surface
-Grading to Prevent Future Playground Flooding
New Boat Ramp & 20,000 sqft Parking Lot Including:
-Boat Ramp
-25,000 sqft Parking Lot
-Toilet Facilities
-Coffer Dam
-Retaining Walls
-Parking Lot Lights
Parking Lot & Walkway Repairs Including:
-Demo and replace concrete paving and walks
-Construct stone masonry walls and steps
-Install landscape lighting
New OHV Trailhead Facilities Including:
-Toilet Facilities
-Electrical Service
-New Water Service
-25'x12' Metal Storage Building
-Installation of a New 19,000 sqft Parking Lot
-Retaining Walls, Sidewalks and Pipe Fencing.
-30'x30' Pavilion Including Picnic Tables and Grills
Complete Interior & Exterior Restoration of CCC Built Boathouse Including:
-Demo and Historically Accurate Restoration of 1930's Boathouse
-Coffer Dam
-Concrete Boat Dock
-ADA Walkways
-Site Drainage Modifications